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August 13, 2009


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Hi Judy!
Wow! So many people are quilting now :D
To quilt or not to quilt... that is the question. I know that I will SOOOOOO love it...
What will you make?
hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Marty Mason

Hi, are the greatest. To think my blog got your rave review. You are right about the beauty of the blog world. I never tire of seeing what talented people out there are making and sharing. Thanks again for the mention.


I think I just found some more lovely blogs - Thank you :)


Found you through one of your site mentions - love your pictures and bags! :)


thanks SO much for giving little ol' me a shout out.


I've been finding heaps of really great quilt sites too. Just loving it.

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  • Hi! I'm Judy - I'm an ex-pat Canadian living in the UK. Hopefully you might find something in my blog that's helpful or enjoyable. I LOVE comments, so please say hello if the spririt moves you!

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