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« Unintended Hiatus | Main | Quilts + blogs - what a happy combination »

July 15, 2009


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I have a cat who insists on getting into any shoebox no matter how tiny. Cats just sometimes don't make much sense, do they?


What a nut! If we didn't love these crazy animals what else would we do with them??! We're still trying to figure out what's up with our kitty as we were away for a week and now that we're back she's acting like a nut!


Hi Judy!
So happy to see you back :D
Goodness, your sammy is a super talented kitty cat. There is a cat superstar in Japan called Kago Neko (meaning basket cat) who does exactly the same thing. Check this link, you will love it (
Oh I love the little pouch you have made. excellent pleated effect. :D


Hi, Judy! We seem to have lost track of each other...great to be here and catch up with you. So much enjoyed seeing the feature about you & your ktities at Kyoko's place this week. :o) So sweet this photo of Dylan in your basket! And LOVE this bag you've made--love the soft colors and simple styling. Wishing you & the kitties a great summer! :o)



Just wanted to tell you that I think your site is fantastic. You are very talented :)

Have a nice day :)


replica handbags

the cat is so cuteeeeee!! and the bag that you have made is awesome!
can i call you an artist? you should sell those bags that you are making though

perfect watches

Ohh Sam is so cute!! I love how he is all curled up in that tiny basket!

Moncler Vest

he cat is so cuteeeeee!! and the bag that you have made is awesome!
can i call you an artist? you should sell those bags that you are making though

Gus King@handbagsnthings

Yes your cat is cute but I am more taken with your skill level. I can even feel the heart you put into every piece created. WOW !!

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  • Hi! I'm Judy - I'm an ex-pat Canadian living in the UK. Hopefully you might find something in my blog that's helpful or enjoyable. I LOVE comments, so please say hello if the spririt moves you!

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