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« You Will Need to Smile | Main | Tutorial: Quilt As You Go »

April 05, 2009


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Kathi D

I love the one you're making and the one you've designed. The different colored block makes it special!


This will lovely and rustic. It is good to use plains sometimes and just work with colour. I believe the Amish always work a mistake into their quilts based on their idea that nothing can be completely perfect. I would rather work for the perfection in praise of our heavenly Father who is perfect. Cherrie

Recent blog post: Small tablecloth bag

Recent blog post: Small tablecloth bag


Wow! Look at your work! It is amazing ;D It is a big piece isn't it? So exciting.
About 5 years ago I travelled to Galapagos Island and stayed in a house without electricity for a month. It was so amazing to wake up with the sun and sleep when it is dark. I still can remember the freshness of the morning. I should check on the Amish culture as I don't know much about it. Good luck with your quilting! :D

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