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« Things to do with ..... | Main | Knit a Snood »

January 19, 2009


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So very very very pretty. Those tie backs & pillows will make someone very happy. Oh wait that's me! THEY ARE SO LOVELY! I can't wait to try them out.


Kudos on that lovely striped pillow! It's hard to get all those stripes to line up just right. I like the contrasting fabrics on the covered buttons. Good choice! Those tiebacks are a work of art too! I vote for pajama bag and lampshades for the rest of that LA fabric. I don't think it's possible to have too much Laura Ashley.


Like WOW! You did a fabulous job. I really like those tie-backs, so class looking and the button pillow - to die for. The fabric does look amazing and yeah, I know what you mean. Laura Ashley is fabulous but EXPENSIVE.


I think you've transformed those curtains with the tie backs. I love what you've done with that strippy fabric and the cushion too. That's not easy to do in my opinion (and experience :( ) So, I can really appreciate the skill that went into it. As for for Dylan well.... that pose says it all really! Extremly regal.

Recent blog post: Take a look; Crafteroo and UKHandmade


Oh, I thought I posted a comment before. May be I didn't click the right button!
I love the cushions you made. The stripes matches exactly! Yes the fabrics are gorgeous!
Please do say hello to lovely Dylan!
p.s. I have given you the award for the blog (detail on my post). Hope that's OK!

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