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« A Small Bags, Knitty Weekend | Main | Koala Overload »

November 05, 2008


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I love the word play! Yes it is very good that Obama won. He has done so well (and the opponent too). I stayed up until 3am to see it - and slept just before the conclusion.


I loved his acceptance speech, it gave me goosebumps. It feels like such a positive move forward.

Kathi D

Oh, I love your wordle!

I had a dull headache for three weeks, and guess what? As of yesterday, its gone! No kidding. I didnt realize how stressed I was. Whew.


I cried too...this was the first presidential election I every cried over. Obama is a tremendous inspiration, and it will be great to see what happens in the days, months, years ahead--can only get better from here. As an American living aboard, it was a tremendous moment to witness, even from afar, and one Ill long, long remember...Thanks for this lovely post. Its wonderful to see how everyone feels about this, the world over. :o) Happy weekend ((HUGS))


Ir seems that people all over the world have had very emotional reactions/opinions from campaign through to election. If only everyone would work together to help this man do what we all need him to do - bring out the best in all of us. Heres hoping!!!!

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