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« Knitting pattern: Faux-Lace Scarf (Quite Faux) | Main | A Small Bags, Knitty Weekend »

October 20, 2008


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Thankyou for your lovely comment about my name. I have actually begun to wonder about it since I found out that some of the local ladies of the night use the same name. Uhmmm - not good. Anyway the reason I picked that name was because it was my Dad's nickname for me when I was little - apparently I used to flit around a bit. The pussies on my blog are just blown up versions of pictures I found by googling "cat silhouettes". Thanks also for tagging me. That makes me feel so very special!! Only problem is that I am not keen on tagging. I am so sorry. Please don't take this as a negative. i just don't want to go into more personal bits about myself and rarely read other peoples memes. Anyway thankyou so much for all your loveliness. Hugs Cherrie


Thanks for tagging me:) I broke the rules slightly as everyone seems to be tagged already, I hope this is ok? Thanks for making me eel welcome in the blogging world too:)


Thank you for your 7 things. All very interesting and I enjoyed reading them. Intrigued to know that you couldn't laugh while you were smoking!!! So glad that you can laugh now - very good for your health ;D
You travelled a lot!!!! I haven't done much traveling but my favourites are Canada and Galapagos. Hope you had a great weekend! :D

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