How to make this little guy:
What you will need
30 cm x 50 cm piece of fabric for bunny body and back of ears
scrap of fabric for feet and ear lining
20 cm length of black embroidery floss
20 cm length of narrow, white string
piece of letter sized paper for pattern
small amount of toy stuffing
flex curve (optional)
Part One - Making the pattern
From the paper, draw and cut out a rectangle which measures 19 x 6.5 cm (7.5 x 2.5 inches).
Fold the paper in half lengthwise; then fold again widthwise. Place the folded edges on the right and bottom, then make a mark .5 cm (1/4 inch) from the left along the top. Starting from this mark, draw an arc to the bottom right corner. I used my flex curve to do this, but it can be done freehand as well.
Cut along the curved line and open out. (This is the pattern for the bunny body - we will call this Pattern A). This pattern piece already includes 1 cm (.5 inches) seam allowance.
Along the centre fold, measure down 12.5 cm (7.5 inches) from the top and draw a line across the shape. (Later, we will fold along this line and ised the folded Pattern A for the ears). Also mark the positions for the eyes and whiskers. You can put them anywhere you want; I made the eyes on mine 7 cm (2.75 inches) from the top and about (.25 inches) apart. The placement of the whiskers should be about 5 cm (.25 inches) below the eyes and centered between them. (I'm sure it is just my imagination, but I found that placing these too low down makes the bunny look cross!).
The pattern for the feet (Pattern B) needs to end up looking like the photo below. I used my flex curve and just played with it until I liked the shape. You could also do this by drawing a circle by tracing around a glass (about 6 cm or 2.5 inches in diameter) and then extending a line out from the middle of both sides. My bunny's feet are about 2.5 inches across ar the widest part, and they are 10 inches long from base to "toe".
In this photo below I have shown the steps for making the pattern (click to enlarge):
Part 2 - Cutting Out
You should make sure that your fabric is well pressed before you cut and sew, otherwise you are going to end up trying to iron a sphere and if you can do that, please let me know! (although I'm struggling to come up with a scenario in which that skill would come in handy?).
Using Pattern A, cut 6 from the body fabric. Separate these out and on each, make a mark 1 cm (0.5) inches from the narrow ends. On one of the pieces, transfer the markings for eyes and the whiskers placement.
Using Pattern A again, fold along the line that you made earlier and use this folded piece for the ears : cut 2 of the body fabric and 2 of a contrasting fabric.
Using Pattern B to cut out the feet - cut 4 from the contrasting fabric. (Could also cut these out of the same fabric as used to make the body - or 2 of body fabric and 2 of contrasting fabric).
Part 3 - Sewing the Bunny Ball
(scroll down a little to see a photo of all of these instructions in progress)
Sew the ears first. Place an ear and a lining right sides together, and sew around the edges, using a .5 cm (.25 inch) seam and leaving the base open. Clip the seams on each side from about half way up the ear and clip the top very close to the seam being careful not to snip through the sewn thread. Turn right side out through the base, and press. Repeat with the other ear.
Now sew the feet - exactly as you sewed the ears - around the edges and leaving the base open. Turn right side out.
Press ears and feet. On the feet only, turn in a .5cm (.25inch) hem along the base of each foot and press into place. Nothing more to do with the feet for a moment, but the ears can be prepared in one of three ways:
At the base, fold the outsides in to the middle and pin so that ears will have fold in them. This is how I have done mine.
Take several hand stitches along the base of the ears, using a strong thread - then pull up to gather the ear - machine stitch very close to the raw edge to hold the gathers in place
Leave flat (i.e. do nothing)
Separate the body pieces into 2 piles - pile one with pieces 1, 2 and 3 - pile two with pieces 4, 5 and 6. Look at the photo above to see the numbered pieces, and pin and sew pieces 1 and 3 to piece 2, stopping your stitching at the marks at the top, and back stitching to secure the stitches. After you have pinned , double-check to make sure that the "face" is the middle piece of the 3. Clip the seams you have sewn at about .5 cm intervals (.25 inches).
Repeat with pieces 4,5 and 6. You should now have 2 half-spheres.
Ear, sewn and clipped
Ear, turned right side out, pressed and folds basted in place
Foot,sewn and clipped
Foot, turned right side out, pressed and hemmed
Right side of sewn sphere, showing face in the middle
Wrong side of sewn sphere, showing stitching and clipping
Place one half of the sphere inside the other, right sides together. About 2 cm from the top, insert an ear between the right sides, making sure that the lining side is facing the "face". Repeat for the other ear.
Begin sewing about 1.5 inches from the bottom of the spheres, back stitching securely when you start - and keep sewing all the way around to the other side, again stopping and back stitching about 1.5 inches from the base.This opening will enable you to turn the sphere (shall we call him a bunny now?) right side out, and will also allow you to insert the toy stuffing. Clip the curves edges as you did with the other seams. Turn the bunny right side out and admire the ears for a moment.
Here's what the bunny should look like now. (A little deflated ...).
Part 4 - filling and finishing
Let's do the face: with the black embroidery floss, take a couple of closely spaced, small stitches at each of the eye markings.
And the whiskers: thread the string through a large-eye embroidery needle, insert about 2 mm (1/8th of an inch) on one side of the mark you made for the whiskers, and exiting the same distance on the other side of the mark. Remove the needle and pull the string until it is centred. Tie a square knot to cover the marking for the whiskers, then tie a small, tight knot in the string on each side, equi-distant from the square knot, and cut the string as close to the knot as possible. See the photo at the beginning of the post to see the embroidery for the face.
Using toy filler, stuff the bunny until he (she?) is quite firm - trying to keep the body as round as possible. I am not very good at this, but find that I have more success if I put the filling in using little bits of filler at a time, and then using something like a chop stick every once in awhile to tamp the filler down . Hand sew the opening closed. I tried to be neat, but the feet will actually cover this stitching, so I didn't let myself stress! Position the feet however you like them, and blind stitch to the bottom of the ball.
All done - except for giving this bunny a name.