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« A Picture is Worth a 1000 Wordles | Main | Good Things to do with Autumn Vegetables »

August 31, 2008


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Hi Judy! I thought I'd pop over and have a gander. The scarf is beautiful. The ribbons are a really nice touch. Is it OK if I put you on my blog list?


HOORAY!! LOVE the scarf---great job! The apple-bunny is tooo cute! Happy Days :o)

Kathi D

The scarf is gorgeous and I think the bunny is charming. Doesn't look like a she, though, more like a disgruntled he with a little moustache.

Judy Macdonald

Thank you, ladies, for your nice compliments on the scarf. Now that I have got through the first one and know what I am doing with this slippery ribbon yarn, I'm knitting another one out of the left-over yarn that was woven into the first one -this could be a never-ending cycle ... ;o)


The first thing I thought when I saw the bunny was, he looks like a grumpy little guy. But I'd be grumpy too if someone said I didn't 'look quite right'! Actually he/she would be good company for a little one to hang on to after a bad day. Very cute.


The bunny is cute! She does look a little put out ... her left foot sort of look like it's about to tap impatiently. But still adorable!


Hi again! Thanks for coming by my blog and leaving a comment. This isn't the best place for this comment (sorry!) but if you've bought your crochet hooks and want the pattern for the crocheted flower, let me know! :)

kyoko nakayoshi

I can see you are addicted to wordle! The scarf is fabulous. You have definitely done very well with the ribbon yarn. Also the bunny! I would love to see your tutorial for making a sphere. It would be really good! I think the bunny is cute :D

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  • Hi! I'm Judy - I'm an ex-pat Canadian living in the UK. Hopefully you might find something in my blog that's helpful or enjoyable. I LOVE comments, so please say hello if the spririt moves you!

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